Annual Membership Renewal

We hereby apply for membership with the HAND Association of Sewer, Watermain and Road Contractors (operating as the Hamilton & District Heavy Construction Association) with all the rights and privileges pertaining thereto. It is agreed election to membership will be based on the Company’s adherence to good work practice and performance at time of application and to continue throughout membership. If elected to membership, the Company and its agents agree to abide by the By-laws of the Association, pay annual dues, provide express consent to list complete Company contact information on the HAND website as well as to receive electronic messages from the Association and its members unless formally advised otherwise.

Main Representative's Email
Main Representative's Mobile
Alternative Representative's Email
Alternative Representative's Mobile
  • Add additional contact information for those you wish to receive Ontario Sewer Watermain Construction Association bulletins/notices by sending us an email at
CONTRACTOR: Constructor who arranges supply of equipment, labour and materials for sewer watermain, roads, bridges and other associated civil works and/or supplies labour and equipment to main Contractor.
ASSOCIATE: Supply only and/or related services i.e. Equipment Rental, Inspection, Insurance, Maintenance, Survey, Technology Products provided to Contractor members.
CONSULTANT: Supply of Engineering related services.
(50% reduction of Main Member Fee) enter amount
It is understood signatory Contractor members will abide by the Hand Collective Agreement(s) and remit to Industry Fund as required.
MM slash DD slash YYYY

Please request electronic banking information or Make cheques payable to the “HAND Association”, located at: 104, 370 York Boulevard, Hamilton, Ontairo L8R 3L1.